Плагин, который отмечает видео на YouTube.com просмотренными.

YouTube plugin that marks video watched for Google Chrome


I make for myself a plugin that do an elementary thing, — adds the inscription «WATCHED» on all videos that have been watched, including the pages of the channels.

I thought that it plugin can be useful for someone, so I decided to public it, enjoy:

Скачать: Install from Google Chrome Webstore
Скачано: 1010, размер: 0, дата: 17.Сен.2017

This is my first browser plugin, so do not swear strongly (and my English).

Write a comments, without registration, even the name and mail do not need to enter.

Звёзд: 1Звёзд: 2Звёзд: 3Звёзд: 4Звёзд: 5Звёзд: 6Звёзд: 7Звёзд: 8Звёзд: 9Звёзд: 10 (3 оценок, среднее: 10,00 из 10)

7 thoughts on “YouTube plugin that marks video watched for Google Chrome

  1. It s fine when you re watching at the computer and you can just click skip, but viewing is evolving and it s not as though I can t find a great show on YouTube, sit back and watch it for a few hours these days.

  2. Hello,

    I like your plugin. Unfortunately, there is no german translation. I felt free and added a message.json for the german language. If you want, you can add it to your plugin. Would be nice!

    «chrome_extension_description»: {
    «message»: «Diese Erweiterung macht das Vorschaubild eines ganz oder teilweise angesehenen Videos ein wenig trüber und fügt ihm ein ANGESEHEN hinzu. Wie in guten alten Zeiten.»
    «chrome_extension_name»: {
    «message»: «YouTube WATCHED. Classic View»
    «chrome_extension_watched»: {
    «message»: «ANGESEHEN»
    «lang»: {
    «message»: «de»
    «short_chrome_extension_name»: {
    «message»: «YouTube WATCHED»


  3. Hi! The plugin works really nice! Unfortunately, when I have also Ratings Preview for YouTube™ plugin it stops working. Is there a chance you take a look? BTW, the Ratings Preview is great plugin, too!

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